Philosophical Musings - Part IV
Another one of Hong Yingming’s poems from his book ‘The Roots of Wisdom’, translated into English by Tsai Chih Chung.
The Deception of Appearances
When I have rank
And people respect it
They are respecting
My tall cap and great sash
When I am destitute
And people despise me
They are despising
My cotton garb and straw sandals
If this is so
In their hearts
They do not respect me
So, why should I be happy?
If this is so
From the depths of their soul
They do not despise me
So, why should I be upset?

Through the clothings you wear, you can read the hearts of the people.
Dear Marketing Deviant,
Yes, nothing reveals the heart of another than one's apparent stature in society, or lack of it. :)
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